A trip around the world…


-“I have an idea! A trip around the world!”

That was my final thought one night before going to bed, December 20th 2015, to be specific. I woke up next morning still thinking about the idea from the night before, it wasn’t a “new” idea I have to say. I’ve always dreamed of traveling the world since I was little, It was one of those “one day, I will do that!” things. I’ve mentioned my idea to some family members and close friends, but that night, when I said it… I said it to myself, there was something different about this time… this time, I meant it.

For my 24th birthday (Summer of 2015), I took my first trip to the Dominican Republic with a friend from school. It was my second time in a plane and first time on a real vacation. The feeling of flying into unknown lands fills me with excitement to discover and experience new things, meeting new people and learning about new cultures – which I really enjoy doing. When I got back from my first trip I knew that was something I wanted to do again. A couple of weeks after returning to school I missed that feeling of going somewhere new, I wanted to feel that excitement, joy and hunger for adventure again.

The second trip I took I spent it with my girlfriend to celebrate our first year together. We chose Cancun, Mexico as our destination and once again I experienced that feeling I  was craving. Out time in Cancun was amazing and we left with many good memories and great experiences.

A couple of months went by and…. The story repeats again.

This time, I found myself planning a family trip to San Francisco for my brother’s birthday. It’s more of a local trip as I live in California as well, but we’ve never been there, and it was my brother’s birthday wish to go there… Alcatraz Jail experience is the main purpose of this trip to be specific.

Now we get to the part when I made the decision to plan a trip around the world.

Five months before my 25 birthday and I already was thinking of a destination to travel to. – Jamaica!, I thought… My idea was to go to Jamaica. I like to have an idea of where am going to start saving up for it. Then I said to myself; -If traveling was free, close people would probably never see me again” 

I started to analyze my situation, my age, my school, career, relationship and realized it was the perfect time to start planning my childhood dream; an Around The World Trip! – What better way to celebrate my nursing graduation…! I proposed the idea to my girlfriend, and she accepted! We have started the planning process, I still have another year and a half to go.

  We have Just the right amount of time needed to save up and plan our first trip together around the world. So far I have a goal of around 10 destinations, spending at least one week in every location, starting from LA going east around the world and ending where we started. 

As time goes by and I do my research I’ll be elaborating on my trip plan. I’m more serious than ever about this trip. I’m determined to make it happen.

P.S. This is my very first Blog, This is my way of keeping track and journal about my progress on the adventure I’m about to start.


 “The gladdest moment in human life, me thinks, is a departure into unknown lands.”   – Sir Richard Burton